2019 Pee Dee Regional Art Competition

Florence County Museum Announces Opening of Contemporary Art Competition

The public is invited to attend the opening reception of the 2020 Pee Dee Regional Art Competition, Thursday evening January 30 at the FCM Waters Gallery, 135 South Dargan Street Florence.

The annual competition, sponsored by Chic-fil-A of Florence, is organized by The Florence County Museum and is open to any artist native to the Pee Dee area or currently living in Florence, Horry, Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Georgetown, Kershaw, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Sumter, and Williamsburg counties.

This year’s exhibition is comprised of 36 artworks selected by competition juror, Jeff Donovan. Donovan is a mixed media artist and paintings conservator living and working in Columbia, SC.

Award winners will be announced at the reception. Cash prizes will be awarded as follows: First Place $1000, Second Place $600, Third Place $300, Honorable Mention $100

Refreshments will be provided.

For more information about the 2020 Pee Dee Regional Art Competition and all other museum exhibits and programs, please visit flocomuseum.org or contact the Florence County Museum at 843.676.1200.